MWHOA Meeting
March 14, 2006
Clay, Marybeth Daucher, Michele Heffner, John Patton, Heather Patton, Thelena
motion was made to accept the meeting minutes from the January 31, 2006 without
revision. Meeting minutes from 2005 to be emailed to all HOA board members.
Secretary to keep on file. Suggestion made to post minutes on HOA website.
delinquent notices paid. Five deliquencys for the first quarter. The retainer
fee for legal services was paid. Confirmation received that work requested from
Greenlink (picking up branches and debris) was completed. No extra charges
assessed for this work. Treasure suggested new signature forms and cards for
HOA board members.
past MWHOA president’s files were received
and reorganized. New files were made consisting of a file for each
resident in the MWHOA.
re-bidding contracts for trash pick-up and lawn maintenance. It was suggested
that 3 bids be competed and contracts renewed before September/October. Rudy
was suggested as a person to investigate bid search. Check for existing
contracts. Use as a point of negotiation no charge for Tuesday trash pickup
following a Monday holiday.
finances, it was suggested that having $50,000 available in the fund may help
prepare for unforeseen emergencies or future high cost replacements or
improvements (i.e., repaving, repainting parking areas, signs, etc)
was recommended by the AERC that the HOA purchase a laptop computer for all HOA
administrative and financial work. A
motion was made to spend up to $1000 for the purchase of a new laptop. This
motion was seconded and approved.
new covenant regarding transfer of structural maintenance of storm water
facilities to Montgomery County was discussed. A motion was made to accept this
resolution to transfer this work to the County. There was confusion regarding
whether this document should serve an amendment to a covenant or an actual
covenant. This document was signed and dated by the Secretary and President.
on Land records is proceeding slowly.
meeting minutes presented to the Board for review. A memo regarding the MWHOA
AERC meeting overview and conclusions from the April 2006 was submitted for the
record to the Secretary by Mr. Clay. An issue regarding loose pets was
discussed. It was suggested that a non-disciplinary letter be sent to the
Weiman’s reiterating the importance of restraining their pets in on their own
was suggested that a nominating committee be formed for the purpose of chosing
Board members or other HOA officials. This committee would/could consist of
board members but preferably HOA residents not affiliated with the Board. Possible names for this committee are being
6 articles submitted. The article regarding trash can lids and recycle
containers will be posted in the October newsletter. Newsletter to go out with March 17th billing.
and by-laws on the website. AERC added links to County guidelines
following meeting schedule for Board members was approved. All meeting to be
held at 7:00PM.
May 9
September 12
October 10
November 14, 2006 Annual Meeting
2006, a new line item will be added to the meeting minutes regarding covenant
violations and enforcement. A list of 2005 violations was presented to the
Board and enforcement is being pursued.
break in at Stehlin’s
request by HOA President, the Department of Health and Human Services sent a
representative to 18912 Marsh Hawk Lane to determine the nature of the living
arrangements in the home and report their findings. It was determined that there are at least 5 related (cousins) men
living in this house. It was suggested that an existing room in the basement be
moved upstairs and a smoke dectector placed in the home. No other action was
requested, however, the HOA will monitor this residence closely.
calmining measures are being researched. A new contact person in Traffic
Regulation for the County will be contacted for information.
Board reviewed the current notification process for covenant violations:
Notice – Warning (Homeowner can address HOA Board directly at a meeting)
Notice – Letter and a $200 fine
Notice – Warning of Legal action against the property.
Homeowner hearing with the HOA Board members;
meets with Homeowner, Homeowner present position on the issue, meeting is
Board meeting is convened (Homeowner not in attendance). Issue is discussed and
agreed upon. A notification letter is
sent to the Homeowner with the Board’s decision.
President suggested plans for a block party. Clean up on Strawberry Knoll Rd.
and Centerway Rd. was discussed.
meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM
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